Our Values


Mind, Body & Spiritual Health

We recognize all of these parts within ourselves. We believe they are intricately connected, and we do our best to acknowledge & care for them.


We are continually learning. We have a growth mindset and are excited by challenge.


We take care of our community both in and out of the therapy room. We know we have the ability to make the world a better place, and we act on it.

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We know we will never have all the answers; we learn so much from others, and that excites us! We lean on trailblazers in the Mind/Body field to support us in our mission.

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Our views vary; it helps us learn and grow from one another. Kindness allows us to feel safe to express our viewpoints, and have fruitful connections & conversations.

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Standards—we’ve got em. “Always be bettering,” is our way. Honesty flows through our practice both with our team and within our client relationships.